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Letter from BSPNTX President Larry Lundy

Updated: Jul 23, 2021

December 31, 2020

Dear Black Sports Professionals North Texas Members and Supporters,

On behalf of our Black Sports Professionals North Texas Executive Board, we wanted to thank you for your participation and support during one of the most challenging times in our nation's history. 2020 is a year we may never forget, but we survived and are now in a better position as an organization than when the year began.

We have battled the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic closures that have significantly impacted the sports industry. Through it all, BSP North Texas has worked diligently to pivot and provide the necessary programming to serve our members.

As soon as the pandemic hit in March, our board and committees did not miss a beat and immediately developed a virtual webinar series that focused on what our members needed most. At that moment it was not about fun and games, rather surviving and maintaining our sanity when many were separated from work and friends. I am proud to say our BSP North Texas community rallied to support each other and engage our members where they were in supporting their need for mental health, financial advice, personal branding and job resources.

After social justice emerged as the key issue for our nation, the sports industry played a key part in driving awareness and leading the discussion. BSP North Texas wanted to do our part and made the decision to partner with sister sports industry organizations in the DFW community. In conjunction with Dallas Sports and Influencers (DISE) and Women in Sports & Entertainment (WISE), we helped bridge the gap in our communities, have difficult conversations, and most importantly, come up with tangible actions we can implement to make a difference. This resulted in another dynamic joint webinar series featuring sports industry leaders on the forefront of making change as well as the development of DEI Playbook for members and partners.

Finally, we created new member programs such as our new mentorship initiative, and thanks to our first corporate partner (Dallas Mavericks), we will be in a position to provide even more resources and opportunities for our members. In summary, as we wrap up 2020 and head into the new year, #BSPNTX is poised to do great things but, we will go only as far as our members. We invite you to join us on our journey to Connect, Advance and Empower our members in the sports industry!

Larry Lundy

Black Sports Professionals North Texas President

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